
EasyType Ces témoignages sont signés par des clients ayant utilisé EasyType French Accents. Si vous voulez nous faire part de vos commentaires sur le produit, veuillez nous écrire à: support@easytypefrenchaccents.com

The EasyType French Accent program has made my life as a french immersion student 100% easier. It helps you type French accents, hassle-free! No more ALT+ number. It is a great program that you can adjust to very quickly. Thank you for offering such a wonderful program!

— Justina M., Toronto

Je tape les accents français avec beaucoup de facilité grâce à ce logiciel et c'est très utile pour les personnes mobiles comme moi. Les expatriés et les touristes n'ont besoin que de leur ordinateur portable et de EasyType French Accents pour taper en français sans souci, quel que soit le coin du monde où ils vont. Ça simplifie la vie et le voyage!

— Catherine M., Bruxelles

As a student of this beautiful language, I often resorted to the less elegant means of copying and pasting to get the accent that I required as I could not bring myself to memorize ALT + # codes. Since using EasyType, these days are no more! Writing French compositions for school could really not be easier. This is a wonderful program and I recommend it 100%.

— Julie N., Toronto

I try to practice my French by keeping in touch online with my Francophone friends. On my laptop keyboard I used to have so much trouble adding accents that I would sometimes copy and paste them from French websites. EasyType French Accents has really made typing in French very easy! I would recommend it to anyone who needs to type in French.

— Kathleen M., Thunder Bay

I have just installed your program, and I would like to say, that it is absolutely amazing, and very easy to use. I will recommend it to all my friends who are in the french program with me. Thank you for the wonderful program.

— Ema B., Toronto

Je suis satisfaite de ce nouveau logiciel car il permet d'écrire rapidement un traitement de texte!! Pour les étrangers à l'étranger, je pense qu'il sera parfait pour écrire des mails à destination de la France!! Éclatez-vous!!

— Linda H., Paris

The software EasyType French Accents is fantastic! It is very EASY to use and it saves time from trying to memorize the ALT French codes. This program has helped me tremendously in both work and school and is very beneficial! This program is highly recommended to all interested in the French language!

— Kisha B., Toronto

J'apprends la langue française depuis 3 ans. Quand j'avais commencé à écrire, je me suis heurtée à un grand problème : comment écrire. Parce que dans cette langue, il y a beaucoup d'accents, et ce n'était pas commode d'utiliser sur mon clavier différentes combinaisons de touches. Et puis, je ne me souviens pas quelle touche donne l'accent. Et voilà ! Un jour j'ai utilisé EasyType French Accents. C'est super ! Je peux maintenant taper en français sans difficultés. Il faut appuyer 2 ou 3 fois et voilà l'accent que tu cherches. C'est un programme pour chaque personne qui veut écrire Easy !

— Julia T., Kiev

The EasyType software is as easy to use as its title suggests. I found it extremely helpful when I installed it onto my computer, as it has an English-only keyboard and it was really frustrating trying to type in French before. I definitely recommend it!

— Victoria G., Toronto

EasyType French Accents is EXTREMELY useful, it makes my life much easier. Whenever I write in French online, I would have to print out my documents and write in the accents by hand using a pencil instead of wasting so much time with alt tabs. Now with EasyType French Accents I can include all the accents (and circumflexes) so much easier.

— Michael L., Toronto

J'enseigne le français langue étrangère depuis plusieurs années. Mes étudiants avaient toujours du mal à taper en français sur l'ordinateur à cause justement des accents qu'ils n'arrivaient pas à saisir facilement. Ce programme a finalement résolu l'épineux problème des accents dans le traitement de texte en français. C'est un outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui étudient ou utilisent le français dans la vie quotidienne.

— Liza M., Saransk

This program is affordable yet useful. I would highly recommend it to everyone. French accents have been annoying and difficult to type. With this software, all you need to do is press a letter more than once for the accents to appear, and it includes a accent box, that you can enable or disable, displaying the letter and accent you are typing. This software saves one from the hassle of things like having to memorize alt codes or using a completely different keyboard. What can I say? It's worth trying...

— Sarina K., Toronto

The software is just great! It does all the work for me. I do not waste any time trying to find the codes in order to type up the accents. [...] It is time efficient and super easy to use! I recommend this program without any hesitation.

— Kristina M.., Toronto